PHARMA INVENTOR INC. is a Canadian Chemistry R&D and Analytical services company located in Vancouver, BC. We are established to serve the needs of pharmaceutical, biotech, and agrochemical industries as well as research institutes / academic research groups in North America to support their innovative R&D / Analytical testing activities.
Pharma Inventor Inc. is a Canadian contract research organization founded on the core idea of providing inventive and cost-effective solutions to chemistry problems in drug discovery research and development areas. We are fully functional with a state-of-the-art chemistry facility and an exceptionally skilled team of global scientists to provide chemistry services in various capacities.
We are here to assist our clients in pharmaceutical, biotech, agrochemical and university settings to expedite their research and development projects with innovative chemistry solutions.

Pharma Inventor Inc. currently occupies more than 6000 square feet of state-of-the-art facility in the heart of Vancouver city (Canada) which is conveniently located within only 30 minutes drive from Vancouver international airport (YVR).
Each R&D project has different challenges and PHARMA INVENTOR INC. designs the project depending on the level of complexity utilizing either a fee for service (FFS) or a research-based full time equivalent (FTE) approach.